
Our service covers all stages of imports, starting with the search for products in the foreign market, with cost negotiation until shipment.

We quote all customs clearance costs and the calculation of taxes (II, IPI, ICMS, PIS and COFINS) and we budget for land or air transport throughout the Brazilian territory, for the delivery of imported products.

Our professionals assist in the analysis of products to be nationalized in the territory through the NCM and HS and we consult government departments to inform us if there is a need for licenses or quotas for Import (L.I.) for the products to be nationalized in the Brazilian territory. Our company provides all the procedures for the issuance of the L.I. by INMETRO and MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply).

We also provide search services for products and suppliers in other countries for companies that need to import but do not yet have a supplier abroad.

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